The third week began as usual on Monday with me working on the HIV/AIDS summaries and inputting them
into excel spreadsheets. On Tuesday we want to the shores and community of Senya to have child labor and
trafficking interviews.Myself and Megan had to do a follow up on the interviews on trafficking conducted the
previous weeks together with Hayford.Mamley and Ophelia went through the town to do random interviews in
the households and Chloe,Justice and Ebenezer went to the shores to do child labor interviews at the shores.
Unfortunately Hayford could not identify thee names of the parents of the trafficked kids and we also did not
come along with pictures to assist with that.He suggested we visit some households that might have such issues
but after walking around to a number of households we did not identify any.We decided rather not to waste any
more time to do random interviews in the households.Our first home had a boy that according to his grandmother
she very much prepared to support the boy through school but the boy is reluctant and had been home about twice
that day during school hours.She told us the boy is very good at home and hardworking but has been sent to about
five schools in the community but aways quits going to the schools.The women sent for him to be called so we
could speak to him, which myself and Megan did.After we could not get any house with child trafficking issues so
we met Mamley and Ophelia and we all went to the shores to meet rest so we could conduct more interviews.
We spoke to about five kids and after headed back to the office.On Thursday we went to a school in Gomoa Fete
to give our usual talks.Myself,Chloe and Catherina went to one class,Justice,Ophelia and Mamley in another and
in the discussions we had.Chloe and I gave the talk whiles Cath wrote on the board.It was a nice time with the kids
and I gave a cedi(I know its not much) to girl that answered a question quite well.After the talk one girl called Ivy that
did very well during the talk came up to me and asked if we called help her in her education since she lives
with her Auntie and doesn't get much support but I could not give her any assurance that that would be possible since
CHF currently is focused on sponsoring kids at the shores and even with that the funds are just not enough. I felt quite
sad but all I could do was encourage her.(really wish I could do something and shes very smart too :'( ......)
After we all went the beach at Tills to cool down and relax,which was quite fun and relaxing at least since it was
something different from the usual thing.
Chloe made a sunflower with the sand and Megan on the other hand made
a fort that that didnt look anything like one and when I asked or criticised it I got shot with a hand full of sand
(I shouldnt have asked too many questions and made a face lol)
.After we went back to the office,that is after our
clothes were dried enough and clean.On Friday we had a general meting and report at the office where all gave their
report concerning what they did for the week and their experiences whiles partaking in all other activities for the week.
That is for week three.
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